The housing crisis in the Bay Area and beyond, economic stagnation, widening wealth inequality, environmental degradation―can Henry George's ideas offer a path forward that unfettered capitalism and incremental socialism lack? Interviews, roundtable discussions, and debates.

SCoPE 2035, Take Two 2019-04-25
It's been about a year since the Stanford land-use/housing justice activism group SCoPE 2035 (Stanford Coalition for Planning an Equitable 2035) has been on, and there's a lot to catch up on: campus protests against university lawsuits, more challenges for housing Stanford employees, university dealings with Palo Alto, and more; we hear all about the challenges and advantages of being a group made out of current (overworked) Stanford students.

SCoPE 2035, Take Two
Cecily Foote and Nani Friedman of Stanford's SCoPE 2035 2018-02-08
SCoPE 2035 (Stanford Coalition for Planning an Equitable 2035) is a group of Stanford Students, trying to influence the way that Stanford does land use, to give housing stability to Stanford students, faculty, staff, and the surrounding community. Cecily Foote and Nani Friedman talk about the organization's goals and progress.

Cecily Foote and Nani Friedman of Stanford's SCoPE 2035